手动在RedHat Enterprise Linux上安装Firefox2.0
因为RH Linux 4.0默认安装的firefox是1.0版本,于是从网上下载最新firefox2.0文件firefox-2.0.tar.gz
#cd /usr/lib
#tar -xzf firefox-2.0.tar.gz
#cd firefox
./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
分析原因firefox2.0需要外部库文件,于是网上搜索需要compat-libstdc++, go to http://www.rpmfind.net 获取该rpm包,安装重新运行firefox,问题解决
#cd /usr/lib
#tar -xzf firefox-2.0.tar.gz
#cd firefox
./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
分析原因firefox2.0需要外部库文件,于是网上搜索需要compat-libstdc++, go to http://www.rpmfind.net 获取该rpm包,安装重新运行firefox,问题解决